Here are top 20 frequently asked questions (FAQs) for a home heating:

General Questions

  1. What is home heating oil?
    Explanation of what heating oil is and its purpose.
  2. How does home heating oil work?
    Overview of how heating oil powers furnaces or boilers to provide heat.
  3. What are the different types of heating oil?
    Explanation of common grades, such as No. 2 heating oil and kerosene.
  4. How much heating oil will I need for my home?
    Factors affecting consumption and estimates based on home size and insulation.
  5. Is heating oil safe to use?
    Information about the safety features and precautions for using heating oil.

Delivery and Ordering

  1. How do I place an order for heating oil?
    Steps for ordering online, over the phone, or via an app.
  2. Do you offer automatic delivery?
    Explanation of how automatic delivery works and its benefits.
  3. How quickly can you deliver heating oil?
    Typical delivery timeframes and emergency delivery options.
  4. What is the minimum amount of heating oil I can order?
    Information about order minimums, such as 100 gallons or less.
  5. Can I schedule a delivery on weekends or holidays?
    Availability of deliveries during non-business hours.

Pricing and Payment

  1. How is the price of heating oil determined?
    Factors like crude oil prices, transportation costs, and demand.
  2. Do you offer payment plans or budget billing?
    Explanation of flexible payment options.
  3. Are there discounts for large orders or repeat customers?
    Details about bulk order savings or loyalty programs.
  4. What additional fees might I incur with my order?
    Delivery fees, tank inspection fees, or emergency delivery charges.
  5. Can I lock in my heating oil price?
    Information about fixed-price contracts or price protection plans.

Tank and Maintenance

  1. How do I know if my heating oil tank is full or empty?
    Instructions on reading the tank gauge.
  2. How often should I check or maintain my heating oil tank?
    Recommendations for inspections and servicing.
  3. What should I do if I run out of heating oil?
    Guidance on handling empty tanks and emergency refills.
  4. Do you provide heating system maintenance or tune-ups?
    Availability of additional services like system checks or repairs.
  5. Can heating oil freeze in cold weather?
    Explanation of freezing points and tips for preventing gelling.